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Australia-Japan Society of NSW

Tomodachi Newsletter

  February 2021 Newsletter


happy new year

Greetings to all our members in the New Year of the Ox (Reiwa 3). We hope that you are keeping well and looking forward to a more normal year ahead. Following our successful Zoom Culture series of events in the second half of 2020 - including one on osechi ryori (New Year dishes) on December 28th - we are planning another Japanese speaking evening, again by Zoom. But we do plan to return to face-to-face events when it is safe to do so.

Please enjoy this newsletter, which provides events and news of interest from us and others in the community.

Shaberanaito - by Zoom - March 5th

Our last Shaberanaito Japanese speaking evening was a success - thanks to the magic of Zoom. Our next joint event with JETAA will be on March 5th. Please sign up here.

Australian Olympic Connect Tomodachi 2021

Webinar 22nd February 2021

An online school exchange program operated by the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC), and supported by various levels of government in both countries, the program is structured to promote the international connection between youth in two countries, fostering a safe cultural learning environment and providing a unique insight into each country’s customs, lifestyle and activities in the lead up to and during the Olympic Games.

このプログラムは、二国間の国際的な繋がりを促進し、安全で文化的な学習環境を育み,オリンピック の開始前と会期中に、各国の習慣、ライフスタイル、および活動に関する独自の考えを提供します。

A webinar will be held (Japanese language) on February 22nd (Monday) to launch the program. For further details view the flyer here. To register, by February 15th, use this email address.                                                                                                                                                                         

Business matters

Austrade is offering a free Japan market update on the impact of COVID-19, on February 9th (Tuesday). Hear from Brett Cooper, Austrade's GM North-East Asia. Register here.

Community Information

East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 10th Commemoration

11th March 2021

Commemoration event marking the 10th anniversary of The Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

The magnitude-9.0 earthquake, in northeastern Japan (Tohoku) on March 11 2011, caused a severe natural disaster and a major nuclear accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

JCS (Japan Club of Sydney) Rainbow Project is presenting a commemoration event marking the 10th anniversary .

On 11th March 2021, you are invited to come together and show your support for the people who were affected.

The event includes the movie “10 colors” and Japanese cultural displays , such as Tohoku local dance, Koto music and Taiko drum performance by acclaimed Japanese artists.

4:00 pm – 9:00 pm NSW Teachers Federation, 37 Reservoir street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010

Register here. If in person capacity is exhausted, and/or you prefer the comfort of your living room, the event will also be live-streamed.

Collaborators or sponsors for publishing project

MikiNobu Komatsu, an accomplished Sydney photographer, has a print-ready book of Japan photographs with accompanying English haiku. He is looking for collaborators or sponsors for printing and distributing this beautiful coffee-table style book, perhaps in conjunction with the Olympics. See his website here for some sample pages Contact him direct by email.

Exploring Japan & Japanese culture

Japanese Film Festival - Sydney

6th Feb- 3rd March 2021

Classics 2020 Provocation and Disruption: Radical Japanese Filmmaking from the 1960s to the 2000s

Rare 35mm & 16mm films screening for free. At the Art Gallery of NSW, tickets required, from here.

Steam Dreams

February 12 - May 22

Exhibition on the history of the public bath, the importance of its preservation and the future of Japanese communal bathing culture. There is an associated event series with talks and film screenings. See the Japan Foundation website.


Untitled.Showa is an online portal for solving a mystery and making new meanings through found photographs. Please interact with a collection of old photographs from Japan, found in Australia, to solve a historic puzzle with the view to collectively finding ways to (re)unite the original prints to the people in the photographs, their family, the copyright holder/s or to an appropriate archive, and to participate in the unfolding of a contemporary story.

Already some interesting stories and family histories have been published. See site here.

If members have any information to share with us and fellow members, please get in touch:


[link:ebinar] Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and Meat & Livestock Australia: Japan Market update]

 Japan Local Government Centre CLAIR Sydney Newsletter



Asian Three-Fold Mirror 2016: Reflections, a film co-created by three acclaimed directors from Asia, is streaming for free worldwide until June 30.

Co-produced by The Japan Foundation Asia Centre and Tokyo International Film Festival, Asian Three-Fold Mirror 2016: Reflections centres around the theme "Living Together in Asia.” Crew and cast joined forces across national borders to reflect on the lives of characters who journey between Japan and Cambodia, the Philippines and Malaysia.


The Japanese Film Festival has teamed up with MOOIC LAB for JFF Online, a free online streaming service available worldwide. Explore the lineup of 12 indie films available to watch now, including Japanese Film Festival Australia titles from 2019, Rent a Friend and Moonless Dawn.


Calling all NSW residents interested in getting a taste of Japanese language. Applications are now open for the May-July Taster course! You'll learn basic conversational Japanese skills in a fun, interactive online classroom.  

[link: ]

Learn Japanese through your favourite shows with a free Google Chrome extension. You can add subtitles with furigana or romaji, click on any word to get the definition and pronunciation, and add an English translation.  


Aspiring translators of contemporary Japanese literature are welcome to apply. Translation from Japanese to English or German of two texts. Submission by end July.


About the Society

The Australia-Japan Society of NSW Incorporated (AJS-NSW) aims to bring together Australian and Japanese people living in NSW to explore mutual interests.

AJS-NSW holds regular business, social and cultural functions, at various locations around Sydney.

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