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Australia-Japan Society of NSW

Reports from recent AJS-NSW Events

Events 2016


John Black - Professor Emeritus Transport Engineering, UNSW

Reporter: Terry Crotty

March 16 2016

John Black opened with a reflection on the almost 20,000 people who lost their lives in that tragic event. He reflected on volunteering efforts in the immediate aftermath of the event and despite the influx of large numbers of volunteers, this created management and coordination issues with local authorities who were trying to manage the huge number of well-meaning volunteers who were arriving in the area every day. At the time, he started researching several of the ongoing issues and problems which were facing residents at the time – from school children forced to travel many miles to get to and from school to the debris clean up solutions which took place.

He outlined his passion for art and how that pursuit resulted in him being in the Sendai on the day on the earthquake and tsunami.

He spoke of the immediate impact of the tsunami with waves more than 8.6m in height inundating more than 30% of the coastal plain area which resulted in more than 50,000 people being evacuated to shelters. The significant damage to infrastructure caused large scale transport problems which compounded the difficulties of the subsequent rebuilding program.

He spoke of the efforts of the Strategic Lifecycle Infrastructure Management (SLIM) in the clean up of the region and concluded by reflecting again on the tragic event and the important role that volunteering played in the aftermath.

John Black with President Philip Mitchell

Presentation by John Black:-

(Click image below for PDF)

Previous Event Reports :

How Japan Can Save the World - August 2015

Japan through the Lens of a Global Investor - July 2015

From Exchange Student to Executive VP - June 2015

2015 University Awards - May 2015

Rugby World Cup 2019 - Nov. 2014

Food Safety and Security - JAEPA July 2014

Tohoku - 3 Years On - March 2014

Nikkei Australians- November 2013

August 2013 - Japanese Investment

Mark Willacy and others Jan - July 2013

2012 Events     

About the Society

The Australia-Japan Society of NSW Incorporated (AJS-NSW) aims to bring together Australian and Japanese people living in NSW to explore mutual interests.

AJS-NSW holds regular business, social and cultural functions, at various locations around Sydney.

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