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Australia-Japan Society of NSW

Japanese pop culture: film, discussion and cosplay/street fashion

  • 08 Sep 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Macquarie University, Building 3YA Theatre (10 Hadenfeld Avenue)

Japanese Pop Culture event & film screening

in conjunction with Macquarie Uni

In a joint event with Macquarie University's Japanese Program and as part of the Japanaroo festival of all things Japan, AJS-NSW invites you to a combined film-screening, discussion panel, and audience-participation cosplay/Japanese street fashion contest.

Anyone is welcome to join Macquarie students and local people to celebrate Japanese pop culture fandom in Australia.

The event will focus on a screening of the 2004 film Kamikaze Girls (下妻物語). This will be followed by a panel discussion about cosplay and Japanese street fashion fandom in Australia. Dr. Tom Baudinette of Macquarie will lead the discussion.

Attendees are encouraged to come dressed in cosplay or Japanese street fashion (such as Lolita, ageha, etc) with a prize of a Kinokuniya Book Voucher awarded to the most impressive costume and most impressive street fashion costume. A photo space will be established where audience members may have professional photos taken of their costumes prior to the commencement and conclusion of the film screening.

The event is free to attend. Parking is available at the university in the evenings, or of course it is a short walk from Macquarie University train station.

Please register at the Eventbrite link here.

About the Society

The Australia-Japan Society of NSW Incorporated (AJS-NSW) aims to bring together Australian and Japanese people living in NSW to explore mutual interests.

AJS-NSW holds regular business, social and cultural functions, at various locations around Sydney.

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