Our annual Sumo party!
This year for the Natsu (Tokyo) Basho
Join us for a night of Sumo excitement and delicious Japanese food.
Always a successful event, the Australia-Japan Society of NSW will hold the 2019 annual Sumo watching night on Sunday May 19.
Bring along your friends and family and enjoy all the excitement of the Grand Sumo Tournament (Tokyo Basho) via a live NHK broadcast along with a delicious Japanese dinner.
Door Prizes will be awarded on the night.
Registrations are now open. Sign up online or use the form deadline May 15.
NSW 豪日協会では毎年行い好評を博しております日本 のNHK TV で大相撲実況を観戦するPartyを今年も5月19日(日曜日)午後5時からSapporo Restaurant (www.sapporo.com.au) にて開催致します。
例年通り好取組でのDoor Prizeも御用意致します。
費用:大人: $55/head 夕食+one drink 子供 (小学生:一人$25